Monday, October 5, 2009

He lost his mind today...

That title is from a Guns 'n' Roses song. I think it's "Dust and Bones" but I'm not sure. Everyone gasp in unison. I can't remember the band, title and release date, but hey, it's been a long couple of weeks.

Here's all I want to say. Maggie's cousin straightened her hair this weekend. It looked super cute, but, suddenly my rough and tumble nine year old wants her hair done in the morning.

This is not okay.

Thanks for empathizing.

Be well.

1 comment:

  1. As a substitute in the District, I saw many 9-yr-olds with more morning primping than hair! So, be thankful...and realize she's a girl. You are a boy. You are just different! ---Sissy
