Thursday, March 4, 2010

My daughter, the great person

I always assumed that Maggie would naturally gravitate to the stage. Megan and I met as theatre majors, are both gregarious, and lack for stage fright.

Maggie has always had a flair for the dramatic, has put on plays as a constant part of life, loves the theatre, and has been in a few of Megan's shows.

But in the last five-ish years, when given the option and the means, Maggie declines to audition for plays. She says she's nervous about performing in front of people. This is perfectly fine, but surprising to me.

So when one of her good friends DID take the opportunity to audition for a major show, and auditioned well, for some reason I wondered how Maggie would feel. Would she think things like, "My mom's a theatre director, it should be ME who does things like that," or "If I don't do this, does it mean I CAN'T do it?"

I should never have worried.

Maggie is kind, she is comfortable, she is a good friend.

When we told her about her friend's successful auditions, her only heartfelt response was "YAY!"

My daughter, the great person.

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