So we've undertaken a number of projects that need doing. Really, too many at once. I replaced the front door, but we still need to paint it and do the storm door. We've begun putting up the privacy fence in the back yard. That will allow Rigby to run with more freedom, as well as...well...privacy, I guess. We can feel a little more comfortable setting the kids free. (I admit to being a little paranoid and overprotective.) We've tilled up the front and east yards and laid down grass seed in an attempt to make it look a little better. As you can see above, it's probably a little sloppier than it should be, but it is what it is. (Be sure and check with Megan for her opinion.) We still need to paint the interior this summer, fix the Deere mower, finish the fence (obviously), and fix the siding. I'm sure Megan would like wood flooring to be a part of that, too. See photos for appropriate updates and don't forget to enjoy the bonus storm photo where I was pretty sure we were toast. Oh, and I've developed tennis elbow in the process. Yes!