I went to chapel at Bethel yesterday for the second time this year, but the third time ever. It was an Ash Wednesday service, and well-attended. I don't make chapel a regular part of my time here. I'm glad I went to this one.
I just wanted to share a beautiful prayer from the service.
God, we thank you for ashes, the ashes of which we are made and which make us one with your whole creation.
We thank you for the ashes which this day recall to us our frailty, our mortality, our death.
May these same ashes mark our cleansing and renewal so that,
accepting our weakness and trusting your strength,
we may become people of prayer,
people of character,
people of conscience,
knowing our worth,
loving your call,
trusting your promises,
until we again become ashes
and seeds of your new creation. AMEN.
So for Lent, I'm trying to see God in everything.
Nice goal for lent! I'm right with ya!