Monday, September 24, 2012

Here's this: the heart of life is good

When Megan and I were dating, I would often ridicule her insistence on adhering to Anne Frank's quote, "Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."

The concept was foreign to me: completely. People were bad.

I had a myopic experience with people.

I am blessed to be a part of a community with people focused on the other--focused on making this world better. Focused on loving.

And always, at the center of my community, of my world, that 19 year old girl with the hippie-dippy belief that people have good in them.

It doesn't mean they're in touch with it. But she is, and that's enough for me. Enough for me to love. Enough for me to care. Because she loves me, I love you.

That's kind of good.

Be well.



  1. Yay! Welcome back. I check your blog regularly :) And a beautiful post and belief (I believe it too, but have gotten a bit jaded -- I still believe it, though, when I think about it and focus on it!).
